BRESSER Messier 10" Dobson

Bresser Messier Dobson telescope with parabolic primary mirror and 2.5" HEX-focuser

  • Newtonian optics with parabolic primary mirror made from H-PZ33 low expansion glass material
  • 2.5" HEX focuser with rack & pinion drive
  • Large altitude wheels provide smooth and precise movement even at high magnifications
  • 6x30 finder and SPL 25mm eyepiece included
  • 9-point flotation system mirror cell for the for primary maximizes optical performance
  • Tube rings facilitate the use of the optics on equatorial mounts
  • The parts or the rocker-box are connected with metal furniture fasteners for easy assembly and dissasembly
  • Diffraction limited optics: Strehl > 0.8
  • Full aperture solar-filter included
  • Telescope for night and solar observation


Available, delivery time: 1-2 weeks

Product number: 4716425
GTIN/EAN: 4007922037127
WEEE-Reg.-Nr.: DE 34716369

Testbericht zu BRESSER Messier 8" Dobson

von BBC Sky at Night Magazins

Die Zeitschrift "Sky at Night" hat in ihrer aktuellen Ausgabe unseren neuen Bresser Messier Dobson ausführlich getestet und mit vier von fünf möglichen Sternen bewertet. Vor allem der schnelle, unkomplizierte Aufbau, sowie der hochwertige Fokussierer und die Möglichkeit das Teleskop auf einfache Weise auch parallaktisch zu montieren stießen auf positives Echo. Für ein Gerät in dieser Preisklasse sind vier Sterne eine sehr gute Bewertung, über die wir uns sehr gefreut haben. Wir nehmen das gute Ergebnis als Ansporn uns auch weiterhin mehr Mühe zu geben als andere.

Testbericht zu BRESSER Messier 10" Dobson

von Abenteuer Astronomie

Auch die Zeitschrift "Abenteuer Astronomie" hat in der aktuellen Ausgabe 1/2016 im "Teleskope | Praxis-Check" das Bresser Messier 8-Zoll-Dobson getestet. 

Es gibt kaum ein geeigneteres Gerät für Einsteiger: Tubus auf die Rockerbox, Okular einstecken und los geht’s: Volltubus-Dobsons machen den Start für die visuelle Beobachtung leicht und liefern viel Licht für wenig Geld. Der 8-Zoll-Dobson von Bresser ist da keine Ausnahme.

Positiv beeindrucken konnten der gut verarbeitete Metalltubus, die gute Optik, der große Okularauszug, der einfache Auf- und Abbau sowie die Adaptions-Möglichkeiten für den parallaktischen Betrieb. 

Das sehr positive Fazit:

Der Bresser Messier 8-Zoll Dobson ist ein wirklich gutes Teleskop mit ordentlichem Preis-Leistungsverhältnis, insbesondere geeignet für den ambitionierten Einsteiger in die Welt der Astronomie. Die optionale Untersetzung am Okularauszug für 75,90€ würde ich empfehlen, weiterhin die Anschaffung eines 2-Zoll-Okulares der Brennweite 20mm bis 30mm und eines Modells für höhere Vergrößerungen, etwa 10mm oder 9mm. Dann steht einem unkomplizierten Beobachtungsgenuss nichts mehr im Weg.

Lesen Sie den ausführlichen Testbericht im bereitgestellten Download - viel Spaß!

With BRESSER, you can enjoy a smooth introduction to the vast world of astronomy. Our detailed information ("Telescope Guide") provides valuable tips for beginners—but even experienced astronomers can use the information we provide (e.g., tables for the geographical latitude of all major world cities) as a reference.

Here is the table of contents of the comprehensive BRESSER Telescope Guide:

Sky Guides by Bresser

The Sky Guide provides comprehensive information on constellations, planetary positions, and astronomical events – perfect for planning your observations and delving deeper into astronomy.
Visit the guide directly here to make the most of your observations!
Product information "BRESSER Messier 10" Dobson"
NEW - now including a high-quality lens solar filter for the safe observation of sunspots, eclipses and planetary transits. A high quality telescope for night and solar observation.

The BRESSER Messier 10 "Dobsonian is something very special. Despite the low price, it offers a variety of functions and quality that are sometimes unavailable in considerably more expensive telescopes. With its 254 mm diameter optics, this telescope is not limited to solar system observation of the Moon and brighter planets - you can also observe far out into the universe and see globular clusters, nebulae and galaxies. Details become visible in most deep-sky objects: globular clusters are broken down into individual stars and nebulae, which are only hinted at in smaller scopes, show considerable structure. This Dobsonian is unsurpassed in versatility within its price range: the excellent, large Hexafoc focuser has an opening of 65 mm - so even with large wide-field eyepieces, there is no noticeable vignetting from the eyepiece extension tube. The large elevation wheels also hold the telescope level with just the right amount of "sticktion", even when heavier eyepieces are used. And when a lot of heavier accessories are attached, such as the Bresser Binoviewer attachment, then the entire telescope tube can be moved within the tube rings - and everything is balanced again in a flash. The unsurpassed rigidity of the focuser makes it easy to focus - photography with this OTA is no problem either as the supplied extension tube for the focuser can be removed and a camera easily bought to a prime focus position. This is another strength of this universal telescope: if you want to take photos, you can simply unscrew the elevation wheels from the tube and place it on an equatorial mount with a standard dovetail rail - other rival Dobsonians do not offer this level of flexibility or pathway to more expansive astrophotography use. An optional dual speed 10:1 gear reduction for the focuser is available for those who need extra fine control of focus. If you consider that the focuser is the telescope part that is used most often, the supply of the Hexafoc on this telescope is a quantum leap for this price range.

With the initial equipment you can observe immediately - a 6x30 viewfinder and a 25mm SPL eyepiece are included within the package.  If you want to transport the device as compactly as possible, it is easy with the new 10 "BRESSER Messier - the rocker box can be dismantled in a few simple steps, as the parts are assembled with metal quick-release connectors. A bulky rocker box quickly becomes a handy flat package of boards within a few minutes. This is a telescope whose versatility, performance and ease of use set new standards in this price range.

Please note that while Newtonian type reflecting telescopes are very good for astronomical observations in the night sky, they not well-suited for observing nature and landscapes during the day. We therefore recommend BRESSER refracting or Cassegrain designs of telescopes for additional nature and landscape observations.

Type: mirror telescope
Mirror diameter: 254mm / focal length: 1270mm / F / 5
Maximum useful magnification: 508 times
Telescope for night and solar observation
2.5" HEXAFOC focuser
Main mirror made of special glass, with low thermal expansion
Hassle-free focusing, even with heavy accessories
Easy to move tube
Dismountable rocker box
Tube mounting on altitude bikes using clamps
Use of the optics on other mounts as well
Adjustment and construction screws of different sizes
Base diameter 54cm

What's Included
Tube with Newtonian optics
Full aperture Solar filter
6x30 viewfinder
25mm Super Plössl eyepiece (Ø 31.7 mm / 1.25 ")
1 extension tube 37.5mm for 2.5 " Hexafoc
1 eyepiece adapter 1.25" to 2"/31.7 to 50.8 mm
2 Tube Rings
2 Altitude support wheels
Rocker box with 2 base plates and mounting material (disassembled for self-assembly)
Shipping dimensions Box1: 134x44x44cm - 19.0kg

Shipping dimensions Box2: 61x61x24cm - 17.0kg
Colour: white
Finderscope: 6 x 30 mm
Focus Group [Telescopes]: Advanced Amateurs, Beginners, Visual enthusiasts
Focusing system: 2.5" Hexafoc
Material: Aluminium
Material Primary mirror: Special low expansion H-PZ33
Mount Type [Telescopes]: Dobson
Optical design: Newtonian Reflector
Product Family [Telescopes]: Reflector telescope


EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC 82° Ar Eyepiece 4,7mm (1,25")
Explore Scientific 82° Series™ extreme wide field eyepieces are optimized to produce high contrast, high resolution, and superior flat field characteristics. The visual effect of these eyepieces with their long eye-relief and their 82° apparent field is truly a full-immersion experience. Your eye is relaxed, allowing you to easily use the "averted vision" technique to study faint details across a huge field-of-view. The 82° Series eyepieces come with a twist-up rubber eye-guard that raise to the desired height for the comfort of the observer, and as experienced astronomers know, eye comfort is critical when trying to observe at the visual limits of the telescope. To keep internal reflections to a minimum, all internal surfaces of the eyepiece barrel are flat black, as well as the edges of the lenses themselves to minimize the scattering of light within the lenses themselves. All 82° Series eyepieces are fully multi-coated and edge-blackened to produce maximum contrast.

EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC 82° Ar Eyepiece 6,7mm (1,25")
Explore Scientific 82° Series™ extreme wide field eyepieces are optimized to produce high contrast, high resolution, and superior flat field characteristics. The visual effect of these eyepieces with their long eye-relief and their 82° apparent field is truly a full-immersion experience. Your eye is relaxed, allowing you to easily use the "averted vision" technique to study faint details across a huge field-of-view. The 82° Series eyepieces come with a twist-up rubber eye-guard that raise to the desired height for the comfort of the observer, and as experienced astronomers know, eye comfort is critical when trying to observe at the visual limits of the telescope. To keep internal reflections to a minimum, all internal surfaces of the eyepiece barrel are flat black, as well as the edges of the lenses themselves to minimize the scattering of light within the lenses themselves. All 82° Series eyepieces are fully multi-coated and edge-blackened to produce maximum contrast.

EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC 82° Ar Eyepiece 8.8mm (1.25")
Explore Scientific 82° Series™ extreme wide field eyepieces are optimized to produce high contrast, high resolution, and superior flat field characteristics. The visual effect of these eyepieces with their long eye-relief and their 82° apparent field is truly a full-immersion experience. Your eye is relaxed, allowing you to easily use the "averted vision" technique to study faint details across a huge field-of-view. The 82° Series eyepieces come with a twist-up rubber eye-guard that raise to the desired height for the comfort of the observer, and as experienced astronomers know, eye comfort is critical when trying to observe at the visual limits of the telescope. To keep internal reflections to a minimum, all internal surfaces of the eyepiece barrel are flat black, as well as the edges of the lenses themselves to minimize the scattering of light within the lenses themselves. All 82° Series eyepieces are fully multi-coated and edge-blackened to produce maximum contrast.

EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC 82° Ar Eyepiece 11mm (1,25")
Explore Scientific 82° Series™ extreme wide field eyepieces are optimized to produce high contrast, high resolution, and superior flat field characteristics. The visual effect of these eyepieces with their long eye-relief and their 82° apparent field is truly a full-immersion experience. Your eye is relaxed, allowing you to easily use the "averted vision" technique to study faint details across a huge field-of-view. The 82° Series eyepieces come with a twist-up rubber eye-guard that raise to the desired height for the comfort of the observer, and as experienced astronomers know, eye comfort is critical when trying to observe at the visual limits of the telescope. To keep internal reflections to a minimum, all internal surfaces of the eyepiece barrel are flat black, as well as the edges of the lenses themselves to minimize the scattering of light within the lenses themselves. All 82° Series eyepieces are fully multi-coated and edge-blackened to produce maximum contrast.

EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC 82° Ar Eyepiece 14mm (1,25")
Explore Scientific 82° Series™ extreme wide field eyepieces are optimized to produce high contrast, high resolution, and superior flat field characteristics. The visual effect of these eyepieces with their long eye-relief and their 82° apparent field is truly a full-immersion experience. Your eye is relaxed, allowing you to easily use the "averted vision" technique to study faint details across a huge field-of-view. The 82° Series eyepieces come with a twist-up rubber eye-guard that raise to the desired height for the comfort of the observer, and as experienced astronomers know, eye comfort is critical when trying to observe at the visual limits of the telescope. To keep internal reflections to a minimum, all internal surfaces of the eyepiece barrel are flat black, as well as the edges of the lenses themselves to minimize the scattering of light within the lenses themselves. All 82° Series eyepieces are fully multi-coated and edge-blackened to produce maximum contrast.

EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC 82° Ar Eyepiece 18mm (2")
Explore Scientific 82° Series™ extreme wide field eyepieces are optimized to produce high contrast, high resolution, and superior flat field characteristics. The visual effect of these eyepieces with their long eye-relief and their 82° apparent field is truly a full-immersion experience. Your eye is relaxed, allowing you to easily use the "averted vision" technique to study faint details across a huge field-of-view. The 82° Series eyepieces come with a twist-up rubber eye-guard that raise to the desired height for the comfort of the observer, and as experienced astronomers know, eye comfort is critical when trying to observe at the visual limits of the telescope. To keep internal reflections to a minimum, all internal surfaces of the eyepiece barrel are flat black, as well as the edges of the lenses themselves to minimize the scattering of light within the lenses themselves. All 82° Series eyepieces are fully multi-coated and edge-blackened to produce maximum contrast.

EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC 82° Ar Eyepiece 24mm (2")
Explore Scientific 82° Series™ extreme wide field eyepieces are optimized to produce high contrast, high resolution, and superior flat field characteristics. The visual effect of these eyepieces with their long eye-relief and their 82° apparent field is truly a full-immersion experience. Your eye is relaxed, allowing you to easily use the "averted vision" technique to study faint details across a huge field-of-view. The 82° Series eyepieces come with a twist-up rubber eye-guard that raise to the desired height for the comfort of the observer, and as experienced astronomers know, eye comfort is critical when trying to observe at the visual limits of the telescope. To keep internal reflections to a minimum, all internal surfaces of the eyepiece barrel are flat black, as well as the edges of the lenses themselves to minimize the scattering of light within the lenses themselves. All 82° Series eyepieces are fully multi-coated and edge-blackened to produce maximum contrast.

€289.00* €325.00* (11.08% saved)
EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC 82° Ar Eyepiece 30mm (2")
Explore Scientific 82° Series™ extreme wide field eyepieces are optimized to produce high contrast, high resolution, and superior flat field characteristics. The visual effect of these eyepieces with their long eye-relief and their 82° apparent field is truly a full-immersion experience. Your eye is relaxed, allowing you to easily use the "averted vision" technique to study faint details across a huge field-of-view. The 82° Series eyepieces come with a twist-up rubber eye-guard that raise to the desired height for the comfort of the observer, and as experienced astronomers know, eye comfort is critical when trying to observe at the visual limits of the telescope. To keep internal reflections to a minimum, all internal surfaces of the eyepiece barrel are flat black, as well as the edges of the lenses themselves to minimize the scattering of light within the lenses themselves. All 82° Series eyepieces are fully multi-coated and edge-blackened to produce maximum contrast.

One of the most important obstacles for the exploration of the night sky is the brightening of the night sky by artificial lights, such as streetlights. The night sky is not really dark in the vicinity of towns or cities, which reduces the visibility of objects beyond the solar systems enormously. Depending on the type of the celestial object it is possible to increase the contrast dramatically by blocking the annoying artificial light. The EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC O-III filter uses a characteristic property of the so called emission nebulae. Those objects glow in special colours, the so called emission lines. Those emission lines are linked to chemical elements - in this case oxygen. The EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC O-III nebula filter blocks all other colours (and thereby nearly all of the artificial light) and only the two emission lines of the oxygen can pass the filter. The result is astonishing: suddenly nebulae are visible at locations that were completely empty without filters. In suburban skies for example the veil nebula NGC 6992 is almost not visible with a 200mm telescope. By using this filter you can see the nebula and its structures without problems. A must for every visual observer. The EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC nebula filters come with a individual test certificate - your guarantee to receive a premium filter.FEATURESenables the observation of so called emission nebulaeblocks almost the entire artificial lightonly the two emission lines of ionised oxygen passes the filterWHAT'S INCLUDED1x 2" O-III nebula filter

One of the most important obstacles for the exploration of the night sky is the brightening of the night sky by artificial lights, such as streetlights. The night sky is not really dark in the vicinity of towns or cities, which reduces the visibility of objects beyond the solar system enormously. Depending on the type of the celestial object, it is possible to dramatically increase the contrast by blocking annoying artificial light. The EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC UHC filter "zeros in" on the wavelengths of so-called emission nebulae. Those objects glow in special colours - their emission lines. Those emission lines are linked to chemical elements - in this case hydrogen at 486nm and 656nm, plus oxygen at 496nm and 501nm. The EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC UHC nebula filter blocks all other colour wavelengths (and thereby nearly all of artificial light) and only the emission line of the hydrogen and oxygen can pass the filter. The result is astonishing: suddenly nebulae are visible at locations that were completely invisible from, without filters. In suburban skies, for example the Owl-nebula M97, the Veil-nebula NGC 6992 or even the bright Dumbell-nebula M27 are not clearly visible. Using this filter allows you to see nebulae and their structures in much finer detail. A must for every visual observer. The Explore Scientific nebula filters come with a individual test certificate - your guarantee to receive a premium filter.

Besides air turbulence, the brightening of the night sky is the biggest obstacle to observing faint objects beyond the solar system. Street lamps and other artificial lighting mean that the sky in human settlements is no longer really black. This affects the contrast and thus the perception of deep-sky objects. Depending on the type of celestial object, however, part of disturbing artificial light can be filtered out, making it easier to observe fainter targets.The EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC CITY LIGHT SUPRESSION - or CLS - filter uses the fact that the artificial lighting is not evenly distributed over the entire spectrum. These colours - in the case of the EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC CLS nebula filter, above all the typical colours of mercury and high-pressure lamps, used in street lighting - are suppressed, but the emissions of deep-sky objects are allowed through. With a slightly brightened sky, some relatively bright deep-sky objects are practically invisible with a telescope, for example the large galaxy M101. Using this filter makes observation much easier. A must have for any visual amateur astronomer.  The CLS can also be used as a useful photographic filter - helping to improve the quality of your telescopic deep sky photos.The EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC nebula filters are delivered with an individual test report - so you can be sure of receiving high-quality filters.SPECIFICATIONS:eliminates disturbing light - e.g. from street lightingenables observation of faint deep sky objectsWHAT'S INCLUDED:1x nebula filter

EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC 2" H-Beta Nebula Filter
One of the most important obstacles for the exploration of the night sky is the brightening of the night sky by artificial lights, such as streetlights. The night sky is not really dark in the vicinity of towns or cities, which reduces the visibility of objects bejond the solar systems enourmously. Depending on the type of the celestial object it is possible to increase the contrast dramatically by blocking the annoying artifical light. The Explore Scientific H-beta filter uses a characteristic property of the so called emmission nebulae. Those objekcts glow in special colors, the so called emmission lines. Those emmission lines are linked to chemical elements - in this case hydrogen. The Explore Scientific H-beta nebula filter blocks all other colors (and thereby nearly all of the artificial light) and only the emmission line of the hydrogen can pass the filter. The result is astonoishing: suddenly nebulae are visible at locations that were completely empty without filters. In suburbian skies for example the horsehead nebula is almost not visible with a 300mm telescope. By using this filter you can see the nebula and its structures without problems. A must for every visual observer. The Explore Scientific nebula filters come with a individual test certificate - your guarantee to receive a premium filter.

EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC 2" Grey- Moonfillter ND-09
The neutral density filter transmits light uniformly across the entire visual spectrum. It serves as an excellent filter to reduce glare and irradiation when observing the Moon with any telescope 4"(10.2cm) and larger. The ND96 filter may also be employed in the splitting of close double stars where one of the binary pair significantly exceeds the other in brightness. Color Filter #ND96 Moon Filter (0.9 density; 13% transmission)

BRESSER Adapter 2" on T2
Enables you to connect a camera to telescopes that accept 2" barrel eyepieces. You will need a T2-ring for your special camera type also. The very special feature of this adaptor is the very short mechanical design (2.0mm) which enables the camera use also on telescopes with a short focal range. This adapter is also prepared to use with 2" filters.   

EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC ES 8x50 Illuminated Finder Scope
Explore Scientific 8x50 illuminated finder scopes (available in straight-thru and right angle versions) produce images that are right-side-up and left-to-right corrected views, which makes it easier to find objects in the sky. The Explore 8 X 50 Straight-Thru Erect Image Illuminated Finder Scope, with its scale markings and open Center, not only helps you center objects precisely, but gives a reference of the exact field of view in Degrees. The deep red Illumination can be adjusted to just the right brightness. The eyepiece has comfortable eye relief and produces a 6,97 degrees field of view. Both the eyepiece and the main objective can be focused independently so that you can obtain perfect focus for your eyes. The straight-thru finderscope weights just under a pound (450gr), and measures 216mm" x 63mm" x 58mm". FEATURES High quality 8x50 upright viewfinder With adjustable crosshair lighting with scale markings Perfect image sharpness and good viewing behaviour Large field of view FOV of 6.96 degrees Focusing of lens and crosshair separately possible.  Multi-coated lens surfaces. Power supply by 2 pcs coin battery type LR41.FEATURESHigh quality 8x50 upright viewfinderWith adjustable crosshair illumination and with scale markingsPerfect image sharpness and good viewing behaviourLarge field of view FOV of 6.96 degreesFocusing of lens and crosshair separately possibleMulti-coated lens surfacesSCOPE OF DELIVERYFinder scopeFinder bracket

€159.00* €199.00* (20.1% saved)
EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC 8x50 90°PolarFinder+Amici-Prism
Top viewfinder telescope with upright field, illumination, 90° view and pole viewfinder engraving - image sharpness and viewing behavior raise this viewfinder significantly above the level of the usual 8x50 viewfinder telescopes. The upright image field facilitates orientation. Multi-Coating on all surfaces. This polar finder is mainly intended for the observer with a transportable telescope. The 90° view facilitates operation, and with the help of the pole scale and the lighting, a telescope can be quickly and safely aligned to the celestial pole. The upright field of view makes the handling together with the high image sharpness a pleasant experience. The lighting is powered by two LR41 button cells.

€179.00* €239.00* (25.1% saved)
BRESSER Gear-Set 1:8 Messier Hexfoc
For astrophotography it is essential to achieve the correct focus point with great precision. With the 1:8 Gear set precision focussing is easy. The gear set can be installed easily without difficulties and upgrades a 2,5" Hexafoc to a full 2,5" Hexafoc DeLuxe.Installation video:

EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC Adaptor for 2" FT-Focuser on tubes with 2.5" HEX
Enables you to connect the 2" Feathertouch Focuser FTF2020BCR to the EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC and BRESSER telescopes that are equipped with a 2,5" Hexafoc or 2,5" Hexafoc DeLuxe. The focuser is not included - see 0625714 Feathertouch FTF2020BCR. FEATURES Adaptor for retrofitting a 2" Feathertouch Focuser FTF2020BCR Suitable for EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC and BRESSER telescopes with a 2,5" Hexafoc or 2,5" Hexafoc DeLuxe Focuser not included SCOPE OF DELIVERY 1x Adaptor for 2" FT-Focuser on tubes with 2.5" HEX

BRESSER Laser Collimator 31.7mm (1,25")
The laser-collimator makes aligning the mirrors of a Newtonian telescope simple, fast and precise. With the laser you collimate your optics even in the dark without additional accessories. Precisely machined it fits a 1,25" focuser without tilting. The built-in projection area enables collimating even long focal length scopes in a breeze. Suitable for Newtonian, Schmidt-Newtonian and Maksutov-Newtonian teleskopes. FEATURES31.7mm(1.25") Eyepiece Barrel Diameter Machined anodized aluminum housing with all internal surfaces coated non-reflective flat blackBuilt in laser collimatableIMPORTANT: Laser products have to be kept out of reach of children!

EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC Filter Set 2 Moon & Planets from 100mm (4")
Filter Set 2 is recommended for Moon & Planets from 100mm (4") Aperture Set 2 includes the following filters: Explore Scientific Filter 1.25" Green No.56 - 0310262 The green filter is to increase the contrasts enormously between the red and the blue regions of the cloud structures on the gas planets Jupiter and Saturn. Seeing our Earth Moon through the green filter, the contrasts of each ray crater become clearly more visible. Explore Scientific Filter 1.25" Orange No.21 - 0310273 This one really supports the detection of the dark areas on the planet Mars. The details of the clouds of Saturn and Jupiter are also so much more visible through the Filter. Explore Scientific Filter 1.25" Yellow No.12 - 0310267 Watching the Moon surface through the filter, the contrasts will enormously increase. Same with planet Mars. On the huge planet Jupiter, when using the filter, you can even see the contrasts between the cloud-bands and a lot more details. Starting with a telescope diameter of 8“ and a clear sight, you even get to see various details of Saturn. Explore Scientific Filter 1.25" Blue No.80A - 0310264 The color of light blue really supports watching the high clouds on Mars. The contrast increases. The dark red structures will be shown even darker, so this is the perfect filter for watching the big red Flecks on the gas planet Jupiter. The rings of Saturn will be accentuated, the structures of the Venus Atmosphere will be even finer. What ist a color Filter for and do we really need it? Color Filters darken the light slightly, that reaches the eye or the sensor of the camera. This eliminates for instance stronger transitions. The result is that your picture turns out with more contrast which automatically shows more details. FEATURES Made from high-quality optical glass Filter glass is absolutely parallel All optical surfaces have anti reflex coatings Filter housing from black anodized aluminum Filter threads on both ends (female/male) Multiple filters usage is possible SCOPE OF DELIVERY 4pcs color filter protection-case

EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC Filter Set 3 Moon & Planets from 150mm (6")
Filter Set 3 is recommended for Moon & Planets from 150mm (6") Aperture Set 3 includes the following filters: Explore Scientific Filter 1.25" Light Blue No.82A - 0310265 The color of light blue really supports watching the high clouds on Mars. The contrast increases. The dark red structures will be shown even darker, so this is the perfect filter for watching the big red Flecks on the gas planet Jupiter. The rings of Saturn will be accentuated, the structures of the Venus Atmosphere will be even finer. Explore Scientific Filter 1.25" Violet No.47 - 0310272 The purple filter is perfect for watching Venus. Seeing through it, the dark clouds of the Venus atmosphere become even better visible. He also clears up the structures of the rings around Saturn. Using big openings and having a clear sight this filter is also good for watching Merkur. Explore Scientific Filter 1.25" Light Red No.23A - 0310271 The blue/blue green light is totally blocked. The contrast between the card and the lighter zones will enormously increase. This is truly helpful when you watch Jupiter or Saturn. Or for mars, watching the poles. Explore Scientific Filter 1.25" Yellow-Green No.11 - 0310269 Watching the Moon surface through the filter, the contrasts will enormously increase. Same with planet Mars. On the huge planet Jupiter, when using the filter, you can even see the contrasts between the cloud-bands and a lot more details. Starting with a telescope diameter of 8“ and a clear sight, you even get to see various details of Saturn. What ist a color Filter for and do we really need it? Color Filters darken the light slightly, that reaches the eye or the sensor of the camera. This eliminates for instance stronger transitions. The result is that your picture turns out with more contrast which automatically shows more details. FEATURES Made from high-quality optical glass Filter glass is absolutely parallel All optical surfaces have anti reflex coatings Filter housing from black anodized aluminum Filter threads on both ends (female/male) Multiple filters usage is possible SCOPE OF DELIVERY 4pcs color filter 4pcs protection-case

If a observing session is a relaxing and joyful experience is heavily dependend on the choice of eyepieces. People wearing glasses very often have the problem to see the entire field of view when they are using eyepieces with large apparent fields. This problem is now history. The new 62°- LER eyepieces by Explore Scientific do not only offer excellent image sharpness and high resolution and contrast over the full field of view - you can see that full field without problems even with glasses on. Fatigue due to tense head positioning and strained viewing simply does not happen because of the excellent viewing comfort these eyepieces provide even to observers wearing glasses. Enjoy the unique combination of excellent image sharpness out to the edge of the field even for fast optics, superior contrast and unmatched viewing comfort. Eyepieces with perfect combinations of various modern glass substrates and highest standards in manufacturing, quality control and service are a tradition at Explore Scientific - the outstanding resolution and sharpness to the very edge.These eyepieces are the choice for observers wearing glasses - with excellent performance and durability. The rubber inlet and the foldable eyecups make handling and using in the field easy. The patentet EMD"-coating produces high contrast images and prevents reflexes and ghosting. The argon purging effectively prevents internal fogging, and you don´t have to deal with dirt, fungus or cleansing fluids getting between the lenses. The eyepieces are sealed - this makes sure you will be able to enjoy these eyepieces for many years to come.Eye relief: 11mm

If a observing session is a relaxing and joyful experience is heavily dependend on the choice of eyepieces. People wearing glasses very often have the problem to see the entire field of view when they are using eyepieces with large apparent fields. This problem is now history. The new 62°- LER eyepieces by Explore Scientific do not only offer excellent image sharpness and high resolution and contrast over the full field of view - you can see that full field without problems even with glasses on. Fatigue due to tense head positioning and strained viewing simply does not happen because of the excellent viewing comfort these eyepieces provide even to observers wearing glasses. Enjoy the unique combination of excellent image sharpness out to the edge of the field even for fast optics, superior contrast and unmatched viewing comfort. Eyepieces with perfect combinations of various modern glass substrates and highest standards in manufacturing, quality control and service are a tradition at Explore Scientific - the outstanding resolution and sharpness to the very edge.These eyepieces are the choice for observers wearing glasses - with excellent performance and durability. The rubber inlet and the foldable eyecups make handling and using in the field easy. The patentet EMD"-coating produces high contrast images and prevents reflexes and ghosting. The argon purging effectively prevents internal fogging, and you don´t have to deal with dirt, fungus or cleansing fluids getting between the lenses. The eyepieces are sealed - this makes sure you will be able to enjoy these eyepieces for many years to come.Eye relief: 15mm

If a observing session is a relaxing and joyful experience is heavily dependend on the choice of eyepieces. People wearing glasses very often have the problem to see the entire field of view when they are using eyepieces with large apparent fields. This problem is now history. The new 62°- LER eyepieces by Explore Scientific do not only offer excellent image sharpness and high resolution and contrast over the full field of view - you can see that full field without problems even with glasses on. Fatigue due to tense head positioning and strained viewing simply does not happen because of the excellent viewing comfort these eyepieces provide even to observers wearing glasses. Enjoy the unique combination of excellent image sharpness out to the edge of the field even for fast optics, superior contrast and unmatched viewing comfort. Eyepieces with perfect combinations of various modern glass substrates and highest standards in manufacturing, quality control and service are a tradition at Explore Scientific - the outstanding resolution and sharpness to the very edge.These eyepieces are the choice for observers wearing glasses - with excellent performance and durability. The rubber inlet and the foldable eyecups make handling and using in the field easy. The patentet EMD"-coating produces high contrast images and prevents reflexes and ghosting. The argon purging effectively prevents internal fogging, and you don´t have to deal with dirt, fungus or cleansing fluids getting between the lenses. The eyepieces are sealed - this makes sure you will be able to enjoy these eyepieces for many years to come.Eye relief: 20mm

If a observing session is a relaxing and joyful experience is heavily dependend on the choice of eyepieces. People wearing glasses very often have the problem to see the entire field of view when they are using eyepieces with large apparent fields. This problem is now history. The new 62°- LER eyepieces by Explore Scientific do not only offer excellent image sharpness and high resolution and contrast over the full field of view - you can see that full field without problems even with glasses on. Fatigue due to tense head positioning and strained viewing simply does not happen because of the excellent viewing comfort these eyepieces provide even to observers wearing glasses. Enjoy the unique combination of excellent image sharpness out to the edge of the field even for fast optics, superior contrast and unmatched viewing comfort. Eyepieces with perfect combinations of various modern glass substrates and highest standards in manufacturing, quality control and service are a tradition at Explore Scientific - the outstanding resolution and sharpness to the very edge.These eyepieces are the choice for observers wearing glasses - with excellent performance and durability. The rubber inlet and the foldable eyecups make handling and using in the field easy. The patentet EMD"-coating produces high contrast images and prevents reflexes and ghosting. The argon purging effectively prevents internal fogging, and you don´t have to deal with dirt, fungus or cleansing fluids getting between the lenses. The eyepieces are sealed - this makes sure you will be able to enjoy these eyepieces for many years to come.Eye relief: 22mm

If a observing session is a relaxing and joyful experience is heavily dependend on the choice of eyepieces. People wearing glasses very often have the problem to see the entire field of view when they are using eyepieces with large apparent fields. This problem is now history. The new 62°- LER eyepieces by Explore Scientific do not only offer excellent image sharpness and high resolution and contrast over the full field of view - you can see that full field without problems even with glasses on. Fatigue due to tense head positioning and strained viewing simply does not happen because of the excellent viewing comfort these eyepieces provide even to observers wearing glasses. Enjoy the unique combination of excellent image sharpness out to the edge of the field even for fast optics, superior contrast and unmatched viewing comfort. Eyepieces with perfect combinations of various modern glass substrates and highest standards in manufacturing, quality control and service are a tradition at Explore Scientific - the outstanding resolution and sharpness to the very edge.These eyepieces are the choice for observers wearing glasses - with excellent performance and durability. The rubber inlet and the foldable eyecups make handling and using in the field easy. The patentet EMD"-coating produces high contrast images and prevents reflexes and ghosting. The argon purging effectively prevents internal fogging, and you don´t have to deal with dirt, fungus or cleansing fluids getting between the lenses. The eyepieces are sealed - this makes sure you will be able to enjoy these eyepieces for many years to come.Eye relief:

EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC 62° LER Eyepiece 5.5mm Ar
If a observing session is a relaxing and joyful experience is heavily dependend on the choice of eyepieces. People wearing glasses very often have the problem to see the entire field of view when they are using eyepieces with large apparent fields. This problem is now history. The new 62°- LER eyepieces by Explore Scientific do not only offer excellent image sharpness and high resolution and contrast over the full field of view - you can see that full field without problems even with glasses on. Fatigue due to tense head positioning and strained viewing simply does not happen because of the excellent viewing comfort these eyepieces provide even to observers wearing glasses. Enjoy the unique combination of excellent image sharpness out to the edge of the field even for fast optics, superior contrast and unmatched viewing comfort. Eyepieces with perfect combinations of various modern glass substrates and highest standards in manufacturing, quality control and service are a tradition at Explore Scientific - the outstanding resolution and sharpness to the very edge.These eyepieces are the choice for observers wearing glasses - with excellent performance and durability. The rubber inlet and the foldable eyecups make handling and using in the field easy. The patentet EMD"-coating produces high contrast images and prevents reflexes and ghosting. The argon purging effectively prevents internal fogging, and you don´t have to deal with dirt, fungus or cleansing fluids getting between the lenses. The eyepieces are sealed - this makes sure you will be able to enjoy these eyepieces for many years to come.Eye relief: 13mm

If a observing session is a relaxing and joyful experience is heavily dependend on the choice of eyepieces. People wearing glasses very often have the problem to see the entire field of view when they are using eyepieces with large apparent fields. This problem is now history. The new 62°- LER eyepieces by Explore Scientific do not only offer excellent image sharpness and high resolution and contrast over the full field of view - you can see that full field without problems even with glasses on. Fatigue due to tense head positioning and strained viewing simply does not happen because of the excellent viewing comfort these eyepieces provide even to observers wearing glasses. Enjoy the unique combination of excellent image sharpness out to the edge of the field even for fast optics, superior contrast and unmatched viewing comfort. Eyepieces with perfect combinations of various modern glass substrates and highest standards in manufacturing, quality control and service are a tradition at Explore Scientific - the outstanding resolution and sharpness to the very edge.These eyepieces are the choice for observers wearing glasses - with excellent performance and durability. The rubber inlet and the foldable eyecups make handling and using in the field easy. The patentet EMD"-coating produces high contrast images and prevents reflexes and ghosting. The argon purging effectively prevents internal fogging, and you don´t have to deal with dirt, fungus or cleansing fluids getting between the lenses. The eyepieces are sealed - this makes sure you will be able to enjoy these eyepieces for many years to come.Eye relief: 12mm

OCULUM VERLAG - Fernrohr-Führerschein in 4 Schritten (GERMAN)
Please note that this astronomy book for beginners is only available in German.


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BRESSER Spica-I 130/650 EQ3 Reflector Telescope with Smartphone Adapter & Solar Filter
Set off in search of your own fascinating discoveries at the night sky. This starter set comes with everything you need for your first astronomical observations: reflector telescope with 130 mm aperture and 650 mm focal length, equatorial mount, tripod and comprehensive astronomical accessories. The system is very easy to use and extremely versatile. It is suitable for observing the Moon, the Sun and the planets as well as star clusters and gas nebulae. Ideal for your easy start in sky observation! Astro all-rounder for beginners - the telescope The astronomical telescope is a classic reflector telescope, a so-called Newtonian reflector. One characteristic of this particular type: They are designed to look in at the front and from the side instead of the rear. Thus, the observation position always remains comfortable, even when the tube is pointed vertically into the sky. Once familiar with it, the telescope is also very easy to use. These reflector telescopes also have one important advantage regarding their optics: they are free of chromatic aberrations and thus offer good imaging properties. With its 130 mm aperture, this entry-level telescope already collects a lot of light from celestial objects. In addition, 130 mm aperture and 650 mm focal length result in a short focal ratio (ratio of aperture to focal length) of 1 to 5 (F/5). This allows you to marvel at a bright image through this fast telescope. It also allows for high magnifications, making the beginner's telescope a flexible all-rounder for sky observing. Enjoy the full range of astronomical highlights: At low to medium magnification, take in open and globular clusters such as M13 in the constellation Hercules. Or you can admire gas nebulae such as the famous Orion Nebula M42. At high magnifications, on the other hand, observing the planets or details on the Moon becomes an absolute pleasure. The 130 mm aperture offers a resolution which allows you to admire your favourite celestial objects in sharp images at magnifications of up to about 260x. Technically, even more is possible - theoretically up to 487.5x with the included accessories. However, the image sharpness can then slowly decrease with increasing magnification. Nevertheless, how much you can really magnify, depends not only on your telescope. The air turbulence in the atmosphere (seeing conditions) is also always an important factor in your astronomical observations. Please note that reflecting telescopes of the "Newton" type always produce images both laterally reversed and upside down. This does not matter for astronomical observations, which is why these telescopes are very well suited for these purposes. For nature and landscape observations during the day, however, this characteristic is disruptive. Therefore, we recommend the BRESSER refracting telescopes for this application. User-friendly and stable - mount and tripod Have you found the perfect place for your observations? Then just attach the telescope to the equatorial mount and the height-adjustable aluminium tripod. The advantage of this type of mount: unlike azimuthal models, the movement of the celestial bodies has to be counterbalanced on just one axis. For this purpose, one axis is aligned parallel to the Earth's axis by pointing it approximately at the polar star. Adjustment and tracking of the telescope is particularly precise and comfortable via the two flexible shafts with fine adjustment. And your accessories stay always within reach on the storage plate attached to the tripod.Keep track of things automatically: For this telescope’s equatorial EQ-3 mount, the tracking motor with item number 4951400 is available as an optional accessory. This eliminates the need to manually track a celestial object set in the telescope. When this motor is installed at the mount, it automatically tracks the celestial object, keeping it in the field of view of the eyepiece. This makes observing the night sky even more comfortable! Complete astronomy starter package - the accessories Unpack and get started straight away - the beginner's telescope comes with lots of accessories. The LED viewfinder enables you to navigate the night sky with ease. This direction finder is installed on the telescope and projects a red dot onto a small ground-glass screen. When you look through it, the red dot appears to be floating at the exact location in the sky to which the telescope is pointed. Thus, the LED viewfinder allows you to easily find celestial objects and accurately align the telescope. Different perspectives of the night sky: With the two eyepieces included, you are able to view astronomical objects at different magnifications. With the standard 31.7 mm (1.25 inch) diameter sockets, they are simply inserted into the telescope's focuser. Do you want an even more detailed image? Then the 3x barlow lens can triple the magnification. However, during the day taking a look at the sky is also worthwhile: with the solar filter you can safely observe sunspots and granulation on our very own star. CAUTION: Never point the telescope at the Sun without the solar filter! Whether Sun, Moon, planets or deep sky objects - with the smartphone adapter you can capture your most fascinating moments on intriguing snapshots. Simply slip it over the eyepiece and take your first steps in astrophotography! FEATURES Reflector telescope with 130 mm aperture and 650 mm focal length Reflector type Newton Well suited for observing Sun, Moon and planets as well as star clusters and gas nebulae Height-adjustable tripod with equatorial EQ3 mount Precise adjustment through flexible shafts with fine adjustment in both axes Easy to use, very good for beginners Focal ratio F/5, thus well suited for many celestial objects 31.7 mm (1.25 inch) focuser Two eyepieces and one barlow lens with 31.7 mm (1.25 inch) sockets for different magnifications Safe solar observation with the included solar filter First steps in astrophotography with smartphone camera adapter SCOPE OF DELIVERY Telescope Aluminium tripod Equatorial EQ3 mount Eyepieces: 4 mm and 20 mm (1.25-inch socket) Barlow lens 3x (1.25-inch socket) LED illuminated dot viewfinder Solar filter Smartphone camera adapter Accessory tray Astronomy software download Instruction manual

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NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC Children's Telescope with Augmented Reality App
Weißt du wie viel Sternlein stehen? (Do you know how many stars are there?) The NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC children's telescope allows you to obtain impressive close-up views of celestial bodies. Featuring an aperture of 70 mm and a focal length of 400 mm, the refracting telescope, also known as lens telescope offers the ideal introduction into the world of astronomy. It comes complete with three eyepieces, amici prism, a Barlow lens and an aluminium tripod in a sturdy space-themed backpack, giving you everything you need for an exciting night of stargazing on a clear night with a children's telescope. See the night sky closer than ever before Thanks to the 3 different eyepieces with 20x, 50x and 100x magnification, you can quite literally reach for the stars. If that's not enough, you can use the Barlow lens to triple each magnification level. The set also comes with a great accessory to introduce you to the world of astrophotography: With the eyepiece smartphone adapter, you can take stunning photos of the moon, planets and other celestial objects and share your discoveries from the night sky with your parents, siblings or friends. Take your observations to the next level with your smartphone You don't have to worry about finding objects yourself - the augmented reality app will guide you through the night sky. After setting up the AR app, simply attach your smartphone the smartphone adapter on the children's telescope. In AR mode, your smartphone will display the names and images of the constellations at which your telescope is currently pointing, allowing you to navigate easily between planets and constellations and discover interesting objects. With the augmented reality photo function, you can take a few snapshots before taking a proper look through the eyepiece. Children's telescope with AR app for astronomical learning The app also has lots of images, audio and text - go to the constellation encyclopedia to read about the Greek gods after which the constellations are named, or read the solar system encyclopedia to find out more about the planets that travel around the sun together with the earth. After making your first discoveries with the children's telescope, you can take a quiz to test your knowledge of the constellations. Learning has never been such fun! Go on your own journey to the stars with the smart children's telescope. FEATURES Children's telescope (refracting telescope) with practical backpack Includes BRESSER augmented reality app for your smartphone Built-in smartphone adapter as finder scope for the AR app Lens diameter: 70 mm Focal length: 400 mm 20x to 300x magnification Designed for children aged 10 and above DELIVERY CONTENT Children's telescope Backpack Amici prism 3 eyepieces (H20 mm, H8 mm, H4 mm) 3x Barlow lens Height-adjustable aluminium tripod Smartphone holderInstruction manual

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BRESSER JUNIOR Refracting Telescope 70/400 with Backpack
Want to explore the night sky? With the BRESSER JUNIOR 70/400 refracting telescope with backpack, you can quickly set off on your own astronomical voyage of discovery. With an aperture of 70 mm and a focal length of 400 mm, the telescope has what it takes to show you plenty of impressive celestial objects. So that you can get started quickly, the telescope comes with all accessories you will need: 3 eyepieces, a star diagonal mirror, a 1.5x reverse lens, a finder scope and a smartphone holder. So, grab your backpack, find the perfect observation spot and get going! Off on a nocturnal adventure with the children’s telescope! Put together in just a few steps, the lightweight and compact refracting telescope allows you to quickly see deep into space. The azimuthal mount is very easy to operate, simply swivel the finder scope to the left and right, up and down. Moon, Orion Nebula or Pleiades – with the aid of the 5x24 finder scope, you can enjoy the perfect overview of the night sky ahead of the high magnification, and target what you want to view with ease. With the three eyepieces, you can take a closer look at the moon, planets and stars, one step at a time. These give you three different magnifications: 20x, 33x and 66x. The 1.5x reverse lens increases this by another 1.5x to 30x, 50x and 100x. The star diagonal mirror allows you to look through the telescope with comfort, even when it is pointed vertically into the sky. Get a close up of the sky, day and night, with the telescope for children Want to explore our beautiful earth, in addition to the night sky? Simply use the refracting telescope with the star diagonal mirror during the day. This will make the image appear upright and laterally correct, which is ideal for viewing landscapes and wildlife. Whether it’s the sky or the earth that interests you, you’re guaranteed fascinating views with the telescope. You can easily capture what you see with your smartphone – simply attach your phone to the eyepiece with the smartphone holder, take snapshots of your favourite subjects and share them with friends and family. Once you’ve finished with your observations, put everything back in the sturdy backpack in chic Astro and BRESSER FAMILY design. If you don’t have any experience with astronomical telescopes, we recommend the book ‘Telescope Driving Licence’, which provides an easy introduction to amateur astronomy. And if you want to find out more about the sun, moon, stars and other space objects, we recommend reading the book “Julius researches the universe – Research, discover, and crafting”, which is full of interesting facts, exciting experiments and space-themed handicraft ideas. FEATURES Refracting telescope for young astronomy enthusiasts aged 8 and over With handy BRESSER JUNIOR backpack Easy to use thanks to azimuthal mount Objective lens diameter: 70 mm Focal length: 400 mm Magnification: 20x-100x Star diagonal mirror for comfortable viewing and upright laterally correct image With 1.5x reverse lens  Smartphone holder for first astro photography Size: Tripod: 55-125 x 77 cm Telescope: 77 x 15 x 15 cm Backpack: 45 x 30 x 11 cm Weight: 1.75 kg SCOPE OF DELIVERY Children’s telescope Backpack 5x24 finder scope Star diagonal mirror 3 eyepieces (H20/H12/H6) 1.5x reverse lens Height-adjustable aluminium tripod Smartphone holder Instruction manual

BRESSER JUNIOR Refractor Telescope 70/900 EL
Observing the stars like a professional - very easy with the BRESSER JUNIOR refractor telescope 70/700 EL. It is a complete system for the exploration of the wonders of the universe, consisting of telescope, mount, tripod and all accessories needed. With an aperture of 70 mm it reveils already many details of celestial objects. The mount can not only swing the telescope left / right and up / down, it can also be used in a so-called equatorial mode, as scientists do in their observatories (see further under Special features). An additional finder scope mounted on the telescope is useful for locating celestial objects. With the erecting lens many exciting things in the environment can also be seen during daytime. With the height-adjustable tripod, the telescope can each be brought to an optimal height for large or small observers. The supplied diagonal mirror ensures a comfortable viewing. At night the moon and planets may like Saturn and Jupiter can be explored. But thanks to the 70 mm wide aperture of the telescope also many celestial objects outside our solar system are within the reach of this telescope. Star clusters many light years away and nebula impress young and old stargazers. SPECIAL FEATURESMounting with wedge: At first glance, the NG mount of the refractor telescope 90/700 NG is a very ordinary azimuth mount: an axis for left / right and one for up / down, as we know it from normal camera tripods. This mode makes sense especially with observations during the day. With the built-in wedge it can be tilted, so the whole mount can be converted to an equatorial mount for astronomy with a single operation. For use of the equatorial mount an axis is aligned with the North Star. When tracking a celestial object only a single axis needs to be moved, which clearly is a relief compared to tracking an object on the night sky with mounts that only have left / right and up / down axis. FEATURESideal beginner's setsuitable for lunar, planetary and nature observationsmount can be used in two ways: alt-azimuth and equatorialSCOPE OF DELIVERYrefractor telescope 70/900three eyepieces: 4 mm (225x), 12 mm (75x) and 20 mm (45x)heigth-adjustable aluminium tripod with accessory tray1.5x errecting lens for a laterally correct and upright imageNG mountfinderscope 6 x 25astronomy software for PC90° diagonal mirror

€104.99* €119.90* (12.44% saved)
DieMaus Refractor Telescope 50/350 with Backpack
3, 2, 1 – the Mouse is off to space! With the DieMaus Refractor Telescope 50/350 with Backpack, you can join it from Earth on its thrilling voyage across the night sky. Discover together the craters on the Moon or gaze at the gas giant Jupiter. There's a whole universe to uncover! Your Window to the Universe: the Children's Telescope Have you ever gazed at the starry sky and wondered what's out there? The Mouse will show you with this telescope for kids. With a magnification of 35x to 116x bright celestial bodies like the Moon and the planets appear right within reach. But also more distant sights like star clusters and nebulae become visible through this children's telescope featuring a 50 mm aperture and a 350 mm focal length. Moreover, its operation is a breeze thanks to the azimuthal mount. Ready to Go: the Telescope for Kids with Lots of Accessories Adjustable-height tripod, 2 eyepieces, Barlow lens – everything you need for your celestial explorations you’ll find in and on the cool DieMaus backpack. And there's more! The Moon filter allows you to observe our natural satellite more comfortably and with better contrast. The included Star diagonal mirror ensures a convenient viewing position during your strolls across the night sky. And since nature on Earth also holds exciting discoveries, the telescope can be transformed into a daytime spotting scope with the erecting lens. First Astrophotography with the Children's Telescope How about your own photos and videos of the Moon, Saturn, and more? It's easy: attach your smartphone camera to the smartphone mount and place it over the eyepiece. This way, you can quickly capture your own images of real celestial bodies – and surely amaze your friends and family! Enjoy unforgettable views of space with the Mouse – with this DieMaus Refractor Telescope 50/350 with Backpack! FEATURES Refractor telescope with "Die Sendung mit der Maus" (Mouse TV) theme Ideal beginner's telescope for children aged 8 and up Lens diameter: 50 mm Focal length: 350 mm Magnification: 35x – 116x Simple operation with azimuthal mount Smartphone holder for first steps in astrophotography Erecting lens for daytime nature observations Moon filter for comfortable moon observation with better contrast Star diagonal mirror for a convenient viewing position Backpack in "DieMaus im Weltall" (The Mouse in Space) design for transport and storage Backpack dimensions: 45 x 26 x 10 cm Tube length: 40 cm Tripod height: 57 – 126 cm Weight: 1.300 g SCOPE OF DELIVERY Refractor telescope 50/350  Backpack 2 eyepieces (K10/K6 mm) with 31.7 mm fitting diameter Barlow lens (2x) Star diagonal mirror Moon filter Erecting lens 45° Adjustable aluminium tripod Smartphone holder Instruction manual

BRESSER JUNIOR 60/700 AZ1 Refractor Telescope
Would you like to go on a night walk and experience something out of this world? With a lens aperture of 60 mm this 60/700 refractor telescope already collects about 30 percent more light than a telescope with 50 mm aperture. The 60/700 already allows for higher magnifications – ideal to investigate in details like lunar craters. An additional finder scope mounted on the telescope makes it easier to locate objects in the sky. With the erecting eyepiece even during the day many exciting things in the surrounding can be observed. Due to the height adjustable tripod, the telescope can be brought to the right height for small or tall observers. The supplied diagonal mirror ensures comfortable viewing.Field of Application: At night the moon and planets like Saturn and Jupiter may be explored. But also impressive sparkling star clusters like the Pleiades impress young and old stargazers. With the included erecting eyepiece it is possible to get an unreversed, upright image, for example, for observation of nature during the day. Special features: Ultra light: The complete instrument with tripod weighs less than 2 kg! Thus, it can also be set up by young researchers themselves, at any time on the balcony or in the garden. FEATURESChildren's telescope set for observing the moon, planets, and bright deep-sky objects With 1.5x errecting lens for daytime observations Aperture: 60 mm Focal length: 700 mm 3 eyepieces included for different magnifications Easy-to-use azimuthal mount Star diagonal mirror for comfortable viewing Includes 5x24 finderscope for easy location of objects With compass for determining directions SCOPE OF DELIVERYRefractor telescope 60/700Allt-azimuth mount (left/right and up/down)Continuously height adjustable aluminium tripod5x24 finder scope 90° diagonal mirrorThree eyepieces: 4 mm (175x magnification), 12.5 mm (56x magnification) and 20 mm (35x magnification)1.5x errecting lens for laterally correct and upright imagePocket compassHard carrying case

€75.99* €79.90* (4.89% saved)
BRESSER Pollux-I 150/750 EQ3 Reflector Telescope with Smartphone Adapter & Solar Filter
Explore hidden worlds through your own eyes – with the BRESSER Pollux-I telescope starter set for budding amateur astronomers, you can go on your own journey of discovery in outer space. Everything you need is already included: the astronomical reflector telescope with 150 mm aperture and 750 mm focal length, the equatorial mount, the tripod and a wide range of accessories for astronomical observations. Perfect for getting started quickly: the system is very easy to use. In addition, the entry-level telescope impresses with its versatility: you can observe the Moon and planets as well as star clusters, gas nebulae and even galaxies through the high-quality optics. Due to the parabolic primary mirror the image delights with impressive sharpness and high contrast. In addition, the 2-inch focuser allows for the use of high-quality eyepieces. Perfect conditions for fascinating sights of the night sky! Time-proven optics for your first astro-steps – the telescope By choosing the Pollux-I, you’ll start your journey to the stars with a classic Newtonian reflector telescope. Beginners are often surprised by the fact that with telescopes of this type you don't look in at the back of the tube, but at the front and laterally. This gives you the advantage of always being able to look into the telescope in a comfortable posture, even when it's pointed vertically upwards at the sky. In addition, these reflector telescopes offer optics that are absolutely free of chromatic aberrations and thus provide good imaging properties. The large aperture of 150 mm collects a lot of light from the celestial objects. In addition, 150 mm aperture and 750 mm focal length result in a short focal ratio (ratio of aperture to focal length) of 1 to 5 (F/5). On the one hand, this makes the telescope fast and provide a bright image. On the other hand, high magnifications can be achieved. This combination makes the entry-level telescope so versatile. In addition, the Pollux-I is equipped with a parabolic primary mirror. The remarkable effect of this special mirror shape: you enjoy excellent imaging properties at all magnification levels. So you can look forward to the complete range of celestial highlights. At low to medium magnification, you can admire deep-sky objects such as open star clusters, globular clusters, gas nebulae and even galaxies such as the pair of galaxies M65 and M66 in the constellation Leo. And at high magnifications, observing the planets or details on the Moon is an absolute pleasure. You can get really close to your favourite objects: The aperture of 150 mm achieves a resolving power that allows magnifications of up to about 300x with sharp images. Technically, even higher magnifications are possible, theoretically up to 562.5x using the included accessories. However, with increasing magnification, the sharpness of the image can slowly decrease. In addition, the prevailing conditions always make a difference: How highly you can magnify always depends not only on the power of the telescope but also on the air turbulence in the atmosphere (seeing conditions). The telescope also impresses with its flexibility in terms of eyepiece compatibility: it comes with a 2-inch focuser (focuser extension) and an adapter from 2 inch to 1.25 inch. This enables you to use eyepieces with 1.25-inch sockets (about 31.7 mm) as well as eyepieces with the larger 2-inch sockets (about 50.8 mm) with large fields of view. Note for nature lovers: If you choose a Newtonian telescope like the Pollux-I reflector telescope, you can look forward to a specialist in astronomical observation. However, the image is always displayed laterally reversed as well as upside down, which makes no difference when observing the sky. However, this type of telescope is less suitable for nature and landscape observation during the day. Would you like to use your new telescope for exciting nature discoveries as well? Then we recommend that you choose one of the BRESSER refractor telescopes. Perfect foundation for fascinating discoveries – mount and tripod Your beginner's telescope is securely held by the height-adjustable aluminium tripod with equatorial mount. The special feature of this mount, also known as a parallactic mount: in contrast to azimuthal models, the movement of the celestial bodies is only compensated for on one axis instead of two. For this purpose, you simply align one axis parallel to the Earth's axis by pointing it approximately at Polaris. For precise and comfortable alignment and tracking of the entry-level telescope, the Pollux-I comes equipped with two flexible shafts with fine adjustment. And to ensure that the interchangeable eyepieces, barlow lens etc. always remain within reach, they can be stored on the tray between the tripod legs.Keep track of things automatically: For this telescope’s equatorial EQ-3 mount, the tracking motor with item number 4951400 is available as an optional accessory. This eliminates the need to manually track a celestial object set in the telescope. When this motor is installed at the mount, it automatically tracks the celestial object, keeping it in the field of view of the eyepiece. This makes observing the night sky even more comfortable! Well equipped for the ideal start – the accessories Your entry-level telescope comes with a wide range of astronomy accessories so that you can start to be amazed right away. For example, the LED viewfinder helps you align the telescope and find celestial objects. Installed in parallel on the telescope, this direction finder shows you a red dot when you look through it. It appears to hover in front of the sky and thereby shows you where the telescope is pointing. Varying view of the sky: With the two eyepieces with 1.25-inch sockets (31.7 mm), you can admire your astronomical discoveries at different magnifications. The 3x barlow lens already included in the set triples the magnification of the eyepiece you are using. Enjoy safe observations of our Sun with the included solar filter. This way you can easily take a closer look at sunspots and granulation on our own star. CAUTION: Never point the telescope at the Sun without the solar filter! Astrophotography for beginners: with the smartphone adapter, you can use your mobile phone as a camera on the telescope. This way you will quickly impress friends and relatives with your own first snapshots e. g. of the Moon or the Sun. FEATURES Reflector telescope with 150 mm aperture and 750 mm focal length Reflector type Newton with parabolic primary mirror Very well suited for observing the Sun, Moon and planets as well as star clusters, gas nebulae and galaxies Height-adjustable tripod with equatorial EQ3 mount Precise movement through flexible shafts and fine adjustment in both axes Easy to use, very good for beginners Focal ratio F/5, thus very suitable for many celestial objects 2-inch (50.8 mm) focuser with adapter to 1.25-inch (31.7 mm) Two eyepieces and one barlow lens with 1.25-inch (31.7 mm) sockets for different magnifications Safe solar observation with the included solar filter First steps in astrophotography with smartphone camera adapter SCOPE OF DELIVERY Telescope Aluminium tripod Equatorial EQ3 mount Adapter from 2 inch to 1.25 inch Eyepieces: 4 mm and 20 mm (1.25-inch sockets) Barlow lens 3x (1.25-inch socket) LED illuminated dot finder Solar filter Smartphone camera adapter Accessory tray Astronomy software as download Instruction manual

€311.20* €389.00* (20% saved)
BRESSER Pollux-II 150/1400 EQ3 Reflector Telescope with Smartphone Adapter & Solar Filter
Explore the beauties of the night sky with this complete telescope set. Everything is included so that you can get started immediately with the fascinating hobby of astronomy: the astronomical reflector telescope with 150 mm aperture and 1,400 mm focal length, the equatorial mount, the tripod and extensive accessories for exciting observations. Especially important for beginners: the system is very easy to use. Particularly the Moon, the planets and the Sun appear impressive through the Pollux-II. Powerful performance for your first celestial observations – the telescope Take your first steps in astronomy with this classic reflector telescope of the "Newton" type. Because it is equipped with an additional lens inside the focuser, it belongs to the group of the so-called "catadioptric" optics. One advantage of this combination of lens and mirror: despite the large focal length, the telescope tube is relatively short and therefore easily transportable. In addition, you can look forward to a comfortable observation position at all times. This is because with telescopes of this design you do not look in at the back of the telescope, but at the front and laterally. So you don't have to bend down, even if the reflector telescope is pointed vertically upwards at the sky. The large aperture of 150 mm collects a lot of light from the celestial objects. In addition, 150 mm aperture and 1,400 mm focal length result in a focal ratio (ratio of aperture to focal length) of 1 to 9.3 (F/9.3). This allows you to enjoy viewing your favourite objects at high magnifications with good contrast. Admire especially the planets or details on the Moon through the entry-level telescope. But also some deep sky objects are very nice to observe: open star clusters, globular clusters and bright planetary nebulae such as the Ring Nebula M57 in the constellation Lyra can be seen beautifully through this astronomical telescope. But how close can you get to the celestial eye-catchers? The 150 mm aperture achieves a resolving power that allows magnifications of up to 300x with sharp images. The technical possibilities go far beyond this – theoretically up to 1,050x using the included accessories. However, as the magnification increases, the sharpness of the image can slowly decrease. In addition, high magnification also requires the right environmental conditions. For no matter through which telescope you look, the air turbulence in the atmosphere (seeing conditions) always influences your observation and magnification possibilities. Note for nature lovers: If you choose a Newtonian telescope like the Pollux-II reflector telescope, you can look forward to a specialist in astronomical observation. However, the image is always displayed laterally reversed as well as upside down, which makes no difference when observing the sky. However, this type of telescope is less suitable for nature and landscape observation during the day. Would you like to use your new telescope for exciting nature discoveries as well? Then we recommend that you choose one of the BRESSER refractor telescopes. Solid base for gazing skywards – mount and tripod Have you found the perfect location for your journey of discovery into the night sky? Then simply mount your astronomical telescope with the equatorial mount on the height-adjustable aluminium tripod. The special feature of this type of mount: after the so-called "alignment", the positioning of an axis parallel to the Earth's axis, the movement of the celestial bodies only has to be compensated for on this one axis. To do this, you simply point the axis approximately at Polaris. This is a huge advantage over the azimuthal mount, where both axes are moved simultaneously. In addition, the two flexible shafts with fine adjustment make adjusting and tracking the telescope very precise and comfortable. And to ensure that accessories are always at hand, they can be stored on the handy shelf between the tripod legs.Keep track of things automatically: For this telescope’s equatorial EQ-3 mount, the tracking motor with item number 4951400 is available as an optional accessory. This eliminates the need to manually track a celestial object set in the telescope. When this motor is installed at the mount, it automatically tracks the celestial object, keeping it in the field of view of the eyepiece. This makes observing the night sky even more comfortable! Everything you need, night and day – the accessories The astronomical telescope comes with a wide range of equipment so that you can start admiring the Moon, planets or the Sun straight away. At night, the LED viewfinder helps you keep an overview of the sky. Once installed parallel on the tube and correctly aligned, the small red dot shows you where the telescope is pointing when you look through it. This way, you can align the optics precisely and find celestial bodies more quickly before you then take a closer look with the high magnification. Varying views of the universe: the two eyepieces allow you to marvel at your observation objects in different magnifications. They are simply inserted into the telescope's focuser using their sockets with a standardised 1.25 inch (31.7 mm) diameter. You want to see even more details? Then go for the 3x barlow lens, which triples the magnification of the eyepieces. If you would like to make astronomical discoveries even during the day, use the solar filter to observe the star of our own solar system. It allows you to easily and safely observe sunspots and granulation on the sun. CAUTION: Never point the telescope at the sun without the solar filter! Capture special highlights easily – with the smartphone adapter, you use your smartphone as a camera for your telescope. This way you can quickly take your first photos of the Moon or the Sun, for example, and get started in astrophotography. FEATURES Reflector telescope with 150 mm aperture and 1,400 mm focal length Reflector type catadioptric Well suited for observing the Sun, Moon and planets Height-adjustable tripod with equatorial EQ3 mount Precise adjustment through flexible shafts and fine adjustment in both axes Easy to use, very suitable for beginners Focal ratio F/9.3, therefore good for observing the planets and details on the moon 1.25 inch (31.7 mm) eyepiece focuser Two eyepieces and one barlow lens with 1.25 inch (31.7 mm) extension tubes for different magnifications Safe solar observation with the included solar filter Entry into astrophotography with smartphone camera adapter SCOPE OF DELIVERY Telescope Aluminium tripod Equatorial EQ3 mount Eyepieces: 4 mm and 20 mm (1.25 inch sockets) Barlow lens 3x (1.25 inch socket) LED illuminated dot finder Solar filter Smartphone camera adapter Accessory tray Astronomy software download Instruction manual

€329.00* €369.00* (10.84% saved)
BRESSER Galaxia 114/900 EQ3 Reflector Telescope with Smartphone Adapter & Solar Filter
Fascinating Jupiter, breathtaking Ring Nebula and glowing Pleiades – there are infinite beauties to admire in outer space. With this complete telescope set for beginners, you can explore them with your own eyes, and do so immediately. Everything is included for a quick and easy start in sky observation: the astronomical reflector telescope with 114 mm aperture and 900 mm focal length, the equatorial mount, the tripod and a wide range of astronomical accessories. In addition, the telescope can be operated very easily, even by beginners. The Galaxia is particularly suitable for observing the Moon and planets as well as star clusters and bright gas nebulae. Getting started easily with a true astro-classic – the telescope This set enables you to make your first astronomical discoveries through a classic reflector telescope, a so-called Newtonian reflector. For many beginners, the view through telescopes of this type is rather unusual: you don't look in at the back of the telescope, but at the front and laterally. This way you can always enjoy your observations in a comfortable physical position. Even if the telescope is pointed vertically upwards into the sky, you don’t have to bend down. Another important advantage of these reflecting telescopes: the optics are absolutely free of chromatic aberrations and thus score points with their good imaging properties. Due to its aperture of 114 mm, the entry-level telescope already collects a lot of light from the celestial objects. In addition, 114 mm aperture and 900 mm focal length result in a large focal ratio (ratio of aperture to focal length) of 1 to 7.9 (F/7.9). As a result, you’ll enjoy a sharp image with good contrast. The combination of large aperture and long focal length makes especially Moon, Sun and planets look very impressive through this telescope. But you can also use it to observe many deep sky objects. Look forward, for example, to your first impressions of sparkling open star clusters and globular clusters. But also bright gas nebulae such as the Orion Nebula M42 or the Dumbbell Nebula M27 can already be seen with this telescope. However, how close do the celestial bodies appear through the astronomical telescope? The resolving power of the 114 mm aperture allows for magnifications of up to 230x with sharp images. Technically even more would be possible, theoretically up to 675x using the included accessories. But as the magnification increases, the image sharpness can then slowly decrease. And another factor always determines the answer to the question of possible magnification: the air turbulence in the atmosphere (seeing conditions). Note for nature lovers: If you choose a Newtonian telescope like the Galaxia reflector telescope, you can look forward to a specialist in astronomical observation. However, the image is always displayed laterally reversed as well as upside down, which makes no difference when observing the sky. However, this type of telescope is less suitable for nature and landscape observation during the day. Would you like to use your new telescope for exciting nature discoveries as well? Then we recommend that you choose one of the BRESSER refractor telescopes. Perfect foundation for stargazing newbies – mount and tripod You found the ideal place for your start in astronomy? Then go ahead and mount the beginner's telescope on the equatorial mount and the height-adjustable aluminium tripod. This type of mount has a special advantage over azimuthal models: the movement of the celestial bodies is tracked on just one axis instead of two. To do this, you align one axis parallel to the Earth's axis beforehand. This so-called "alignment" is easily done: you simply point the axis approximately to Polaris. Another advantage of this particular mount is that you move the axes via two flexible shafts with fine adjustment. Perfect for comfortable and sensitive adjustment and tracking of your telescope. Always at hand: The extensive accessories can be stored on the shelf between the tripod legs. Keep track of things automatically: For this telescope’s equatorial EQ-3 mount, the tracking motor with item number 4951400 is available as an optional accessory. This eliminates the need to manually track a celestial object set in the telescope. When this motor is installed at the mount, it automatically tracks the celestial object, keeping it in the field of view of the eyepiece. This makes observing the night sky even more comfortable! Everything you need for your new hobby – the accessories Since the telescope kit comes with an extensive range of accessories, you are perfectly equipped for your first steps in the fascinating world of astronomy. Simply install the LED viewfinder parallel to the tube, adjust it and look through. As you do so, you will see a red dot projected onto a small ground-glass screen inside the viewfinder. It appears to hover in front of the sky at the exact spot where the telescope is pointed. This helps you to find celestial objects and the exact telescope alignment more easily. Simply change your perspective – with the two eyepieces you can marvel at your favourite astronomical objects in different magnifications. They are easily inserted into the telescope's focuser using the sockets, which have the standard diameter of 1.25 inch (31.7 mm). Do you want an even more detailed view? Then simply triple the magnification of the eyepieces using the 3x barlow lens. Astronomical observations are well worthwhile even during the day: enjoy a safe view of sunspots and granulation on our own star with the solar filter. CAUTION: Never point the telescope at the sun without the solar filter! Take your first photos of the Moon or the Sun, and do it easily: the smartphone adapter enables you to attach your smartphone camera to the telescope and soon enjoy your very own astronomical snapshots. FEATURES Reflector telescope with 114 mm aperture and 900 mm focal length Reflector type Newton Well suited for observing Sun, Moon and planets, also star clusters and gas nebulae are visible Height-adjustable tripod with equatorial EQ3 mount Sensitive adjustment through flexible shafts and fine adjustment in both axes Easy to use, very suitable for beginners Focal ratio F/7.9, thus sharp image and good contrast 1,25 inch (31,7 mm) eyepiece focuser Two eyepieces and one barlow lens with 1.25 inch (31.7 mm) extension tubes for different magnifications Safe solar observation with the included solar filter Easy first steps into astrophotography with smartphone camera adapter SCOPE OF DELIVERY Telescope Aluminium tripod Equatorial EQ3 mount Eyepieces: 4 mm and 20 mm (1.25 inch sockets) Barlow lens 3x (1.25 inch socket) LED illuminated dot finder Solar filter Smartphone camera adapter Accessory tray Astronomy software download Instruction manual

€229.00* €339.00* (32.45% saved)
BRESSER JUNIOR Children's Telescope with an objective diameter of 40 mm
An ultra-compact travel telescope with coated optics. The telescope and the supplied tripod can be conveniently stored in a small carrying bag or backpack. So this telescope is not only an ideal companion at home but also when travelling!FEATURESLens telescopeZenith mirror enables comfortable single imagecompact and easy to transportSCOPE OF DELIVERYTelescopeTable standOcular: 6 mm, 20 mmZenit mirrorSmartphone holderOperating instructions

BRESSER Arcturus 60/700 AZ - Refractor Telescope with Hard-top Case
Open the case and you're ready to go: The BRESSER Arcturus 60/700 AZ lens telescope shows you the fascinating world of star clusters and planets. This complete set contains everything you need for your first steps into sky observation: an astronomical lens telescope with 60 mm aperture and 700 mm focal length, an azimuthal mount, a tripod and lots of accessories. The system is very easy to handle and therefore ideal for introducing children to astronomy as a hobby. And since there are so many beautiful things to discover on Earth as well, the telescope is suitable for observing nature and landscapes. Simply an astro-classic – the telescope With this classic lens telescope – a so-called Fraunhofer achromatic refractor – even beginners and children can easily gain new insights into the night sky. Thanks to the modern, precisely coated optics, the starter telescope offers good imaging properties. A sharp image with good contrast – this is ensured by the large focal ratio of about 1 to 11.7 (F/11.7), which results from the ratio of the 60 mm aperture to the 700 mm focal length. Perfect for exploring our Moon, the planets, but also open star clusters and globular clusters. And what about the magnification? The 60 mm aperture provides a resolving power that easily allows magnifications up to about 120x with really sharp images. Technically, even more is possible with this beginner’s telescope – up to 175x with the included accessories. However, as the magnification increases, the image can become more and more blurred. How much magnification is actually possible depends not only on the telescope, but also on the air turbulence in the atmosphere (seeing conditions). The foundation for moving impressions – mount and tripod For your nighttime observations, attach your telescope to the height-adjustable aluminium tripod with azimuthal mount. Thanks to its extremely easy operation, you can enjoy effortless astronomical explorations with this azimuthal mount. Just like with a normal photo tripod, you simply turn the starter telescope by hand up and down, to the left and right. To ensure that your eyepieces, compass, star map etc. are always within reach, simply place your accessories on the practical storage plate located between the tripod legs. Everything for a good start in astronomy – the accessories In the sturdy hard-top case, in which you can store the beginner's telescope perfectly and take it safely with you on your travels, you will also find lots of accessories. The 5x24 finder is a small miniature telescope that you simply mount parallel to the actual telescope. With its weak 5x magnification and integrated crosshair, it helps you keep track of the starry sky. So it allows you to easily find celestial objects and precisely align the telescope – before you then enjoy the view with the higher magnification. And how high the magnification is depends on which of the three included eyepieces (4 mm; 12.5 mm; 20 mm) you are currently using. To change the magnification, simply insert another one into the telescope's focuser. If at some point you want to change your field of view with additional eyepieces: no problem! The 1.25 inch (31.7 mm) socket diameter complies with an international and cross-manufacturer standard, so you can combine a wide range of optional eyepieces with your telescope. For a comfortable view at any time, you will also find a 90-degree diagonal mirror in the scope of delivery. Otherwise, you would have to lie down under the starter telescope in order to achieve good observation results when the optics are pointed upwards into the sky. Instead, you simply look in comfortably from the side. In addition to the night sky, the Earth also offers many captivating sights. That's why the 1.5x erecting lens turns the image the right side around, so that you can devote your entry-level telescope to observing nature and landscapes during day. However, because orientation in the night sky is not as easy as on our daytime planet, a compass and star map are included in the set. This way you always know where to look and what you will see there. Enjoy a quick start to the exciting hobby of astronomy with the BRESSER Arcturus 60/700 AZ lens telescope including all accessories. FEATURES Beginner’s telescope for astronomy 60 mm aperture and 700 mm focal length Achromatic refractor type Fraunhofer Ideal for observing Moon, planets and star clusters Height-adjustable tripod with azimuthal mount Easy to use, therefore suitable for children Focal ratio F=11.7, thus sharp image and high contrast Three eyepieces with 31.7 mm (1.25 inch) sockets for different magnifications With hard-top case for storage and transport SCOPE OF DELIVERY Starter lens Telescope Aluminium tripod Azimuthal mount Eyepieces: 4 mm, 12.5 mm, 20 mm (1.25 inch sockets) Star diagonal mirror Erecting lens 1.5x Finder telescope: 5x24 Accessory tray Hard-top case Compass Star map Instruction manual

€79.00* €112.00* (29.46% saved)